A Jóga feladata az életerő legoptimálisabb felhasználása
oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
Am C
tát savitúr váreṇyaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
Am C
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt
Performed by Sonya
„O Divine Light, you have created all three worlds (Bhu, Bhuvar, Swar) with your light. We worship you. We meditate upon you. Please enlighten and pervade us with your radiance.“
The Gayatri Mantra is one of the most popular mantras.
It is the invocation of the Divine as light energy. Reciting the Gayatri mantra, or listening to its recitation, can fill you with light energy, connecting you to a higher reality.
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This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.
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Om Shanti
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Joga Nekem-on
"Szolgálj, szeress, adakozz, tisztulj, meditálj, valósítsd meg Önmagad, légy jó, tégy jót!"
(Swami Sivananda)
© 2025 Created by Sukadev Bretz.
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