A Jóga feladata az életerő legoptimálisabb felhasználása
Dm C Dm C Dm
jay ambe jagad-ambe mātā bhavānī jay ambe
Dm F C Dm
durgati-nāśinī durge jaya jaya kāla-vināśinī kālī jaya jaya
C Dm C Dm
umā rāma brāhmaṇī jaya jaya radha rukmiṇī sītā jaya jaya
Performed by Sonya
O Divine Mother, Mother of the world, victory be to you. O Mother full of love (Bhavani), remove all misfortune. Oh Durga, you overcome even death. Oh Divine Mother, you manifest yourself in so many names and forms.
A kirtan that can contribute to great ecstasy and great joy, a kirtan that can be repeated with great bhakti, with great devotion.
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Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.
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Om Shanti
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Joga Nekem-on
"Szolgálj, szeress, adakozz, tisztulj, meditálj, valósítsd meg Önmagad, légy jó, tégy jót!"
(Swami Sivananda)
© 2025 Created by Sukadev Bretz.
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