Joga Nekem

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Kai Treude chants a part of the Shakti mantras as part of the Saturday evening Satsang by Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, Germany. Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops. Enjoy this song and the effect of the mantra. The mantra "Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundaye Vicche Namaha" is referred to in Yoga Vidya tradition as Shakti Mantra. Aim is the bija mantra of Saraswati. Hrim is the Bija Mantra of Durga. Klim is the Bija Mantra Lakshmi. Chamunda is a name of Kali. - Kai´s website:

In our kirtanbook you`ll find this part of the Shakti mantra at number 4. Here is the text to sing along:
Om Aim Hrim Klim
Chamundaya Vicche Namaha
This Shakti mantra harmonizes and stimulates all the subtle chakras.

More information referring mantras, yoga and meditation at
English Videos as well on

Megtekintések: 45


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