A Jóga feladata az életerő legoptimálisabb felhasználása
Develop calmness of mind by this simple meditation exercise: You concentrate on the movement of the breath in your nostrils. According to Hatha Yoga this balances out the sun and moon energies in your system, as these are related to your nostrils. This meditation belongs to the Mindfulness Meditation Techniques form Hatha Yoga system, similar to Sakshi Bhav and Vipassana Meditation. You do not need to know the meaning of these terms - you can just start with the practice, right now, for example ... More Videos on Yoga and Meditation my.yoga-vidya.org/video. Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation. You can see Tulsi following the meditation instructions.
Helye: Bad Meinberg ( Térkép mutatása )
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Joga Nekem-on
"Szolgálj, szeress, adakozz, tisztulj, meditálj, valósítsd meg Önmagad, légy jó, tégy jót!"
(Swami Sivananda)
© 2025 Created by Sukadev Bretz.
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